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Driving dynamic colloidal assembly using eccentric self-propelled colloids

机译:使用偏心自行式驱动动态胶体组件   胶体



Designing protocols to dynamically direct the self-assembly of colloidalparticles has become an important direction in soft matter physics because ofthe promising applications in fabrication of dynamic responsive functionalmaterials. Here using computer simulations, we found that in the mixture ofpassive colloids and eccentric self-propelled active particles, when theeccentricity and self-propulsion of active particles are high enough, theeccentric active particles can push passive colloids to form a large densedynamic cluster, and the system undergoes a novel dynamic demixing transition.Our simulations show that the dynamic demixing occurs when the eccentric activeparticles move much faster than the passive particles such that the dynamictrajectories of different active particles can overlap with each other whilepassive particles are depleted from the dynamic trajectories of activeparticles. Our results suggest that this is in analogy to the entropy drivendemixing in colloid-polymer mixtures, in which polymer random coils can overlapwith each other while deplete the colloids. More interestingly, we find that byfixing the passive colloid composition at certain value, with increasing thedensity, the system undergoes an intriguing re-entrant mixing, and the demixingonly occurs within certain intermediate density range. This suggests a new wayof designing active matter to drive the self-assembly of passive colloids andfabricate dynamic responsive materials.
机译:设计协议以动态指导胶体粒子的自组装已成为软物质物理学的重要方向,因为它在动态响应功能材料的制造中具有广阔的应用前景。在这里使用计算机模拟发现,在无源胶体和偏心自驱动活性颗粒的混合物中,当有源颗粒的偏心率和自推进力足够高时,偏心有源颗粒可以推动无源胶体形成大的致密动态团簇,并且我们的模拟表明,当偏心活性粒子的运动速度比被动粒子快得多时,就会发生动态分解,从而使不同活性粒子的动态轨迹可以相互重叠,而被动粒子会从活性粒子的动态轨迹中消失。 。我们的结果表明,这与胶体-聚合物混合物中的熵驱动的脱模作用类似,在该过程中,聚合物无规卷曲物可以相互重叠,同时消耗胶体。更有趣的是,我们发现通过将无源胶体成分固定在一定的值上,并随着密度的增加,系统会进行有趣的折返混合,而仅在一定的中间密度范围内才会发生分解。这提出了一种设计活性物质的新方法,以驱动无源胶体的自组装并制造动态响应材料。



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